Non-violence as philosophy of PTM

I am yet to decipher the line of argument which calls PTM as disparaging peace or creating chaos. How a movement which holds all its events faraway from city centers and then sit there silently for a day or for days in case of sit-in is creating chaos? How is demanding that all missing persons be presented in courts paving the way for chaos? How is saying that present the disappeared persons in court and hang them if found guilty tantamount to being a foreign-sponsored movement? If the demands are extra-constitutional or extra-legal (like demanding a forced step-down of an elected PM or sending home of ministers or change in laws) you will have some deflection point. Or if the demand is that army leave the Pashtun lands will also serve as a strawman; but these aren't even on the demand list.
Quote me one accident, cite me one demand which is extra-legal and extra-constitutional. What you are saying is that asking for due treatment under law is tantamount to treason. We are wanting the guarantees of law and constitution and you are saying that we are defaming institutions. How demanding accountability is defaming institutions? As far as foreign support and funding is considered it has been announced many times that form any commission, any committee and we will be willing to cooperate (on the condition that one such commission/committee be also formed for APS attack). You don't have an evidence, or even a decent argument but all you are saying is that it will create chaos. Again, just once, tell me how will chaos be created if a truth and reconciliation commission is formed? There is a thing called extrapolation. Extrapolate from the current set of events and visualize what it will result in future. But do the extrapolation on the basis of facts, evidence and logic, not on your myopia.
After worst kind of censorship and harassment, everyone on our side is calling for non-violence and peaceful engagement with the state. Had any other group of people and a movement a quarter a size of PTM faced this level of censorship, propaganda and harassment there would have been violence. There is no violence and there never will be. After-all this is an anti-war, anti-violence movement, but the problem with you is that you are used to the language of violence and the vocabulary of non-violence is alien to your ears and thus you are lost in how to deal with PTM. We can very well see that our belief in non-violence had rattled you and you have gone berserk in finding ways to deflect our genuine demands and stifle our voices.


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