The conservative strain of nationalism

The conservative strain of nationalism very much borders on fascism and is sustained by misogyny and racial bigotry. There is that strain available in our movement of due rights of Pashtuns. They condone misogyny and denial of equality to women on the basis of culture and deflecting it to be a function of decades of oppression while the racial bigotry for them provides a simple, convenient and linear narrative. Who is going to tackle with nuance the systematic structure of oppression? Jut treat it through the binaries of this and that ethnicity.
If you are going to conflate an oppressive structure with ethnicity you will also be on the receiving end because for some you are part of an oppressive structure. Take for example the experience of Afghans. We all agree that Pakistan has exploited Afghanistan and has ruined it for its own gains and on this side the nationalists among many have opposed those wars imposed on Afghanistan but an ordinary Afghan treat me and you (Pashtuns) as Pakistanis and as part of an oppressive structure. If you are right in your racial bigotry toward an ethnicity just because you see the oppression through the false equivalence of one ethnicity suppressing another then how are the ordinary Afghans not right in abusing Pashtuns of this side? Or as another example, are you and me equally complicit in slaughter of all the Bengalis? Because even if then we belonged to the periphery, still we were represented in the oppressive structure that massacred Bengalis.
Learn to differentiate between people and structures. We are against the structure and were never against the people. If you use racial slurs and justify that by quoting the mocking of our culture in mainstream media, remember that not only you are counter-productive but you also use the moral high-ground. Identify those fascist-leaning nationalists who don't know the difference between a due recognition of ethno-linguistic and cultural identity and making it into an ab-initio cause of supremacy.


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