Separating art from the artist

Saying that art is separate is saying that art is born in a vacuum and that it has nothing to do with the visceral experience. Art is subjective. It doesn't have any functional utility or objective reality. I can see that the argument for separation of art from the artist comes from treating "the mind and the body [being] compartmentalised as separate categories of experiencing reality," which they aren't. The value of art depends on the visceral experience being transferred into an emotional state or vice-versa. The art created by the mind is intimately related to the body, both can't be separated. If art is treated as a permanent or objective reality which holds absolute truth then it can be treated as something separate from the human body.
The value of the words spoken and written and art created depend on its coordination to reality that we experience and want to make sense of. For some a battlefield, for Napolean, a battlefield is the most beautiful form of art, for in there he sees the egos crushed, courage redeemed, chivalry celebrated and glory attained. But is that so? Does that corresponds to my view of art? Does that hold any objective truth?
If art is treated as a creation of mental constructs which speaks nothing to the mind-body unity, all the atrocities committed in name of ideology--for it is an idea,a mental construction--will be, must be, explained away and the evil human separated from his evil acts. What is evil? In the crudest and simplest of forms, it is the violation of the sanctity of bodies of others. If evil of the body can discredit the humanity of someone, why shouldn't the evil committed through body discredit the creation of the mind?
Also, treating the creation of art as a separate experience of the mind from that of the body encourages the separation of the private and public which services the hegemony. The authorities on art and literature are not only public personalities but they also borrow the prestige of that public appearance into their private lives. So as the mind can't be separated from body so the private can't be separated from the public when it comes to deconstructing the intellectual hegemonic. Thus an act committed in the private must discredit the person in the public and an evil committed by the body must discredit the creation of the mind.


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